Monday, June 11, 2012

If you want to be on the gotta learn to swim!

It is no secret that Craig and I LOVE the sport of swimming.  Even after being "retired" from the sport for 10 years I still identify myself as a "swimmer".  So much of my identity in high school and college came from this title.  It identified why my hair was always wet and why I smelled like chlorine and yes, even the girls grew out their leg har.  The title identified how I spent my time (in the water) and who my friends were (suprise....swimmers).  I even married another swimmer from the Northern Iowa swim team.  So to be on the Sanderson Crew doesn't mean you have to eat, breath, dream swimming but you need to learn to swim because we will be in the water quite often.  All three of the kids have come to love to be in the water.  This week, Andie returned to swim lessons and Isaac had his first swim lesson.  I had to document the occasion. 


Now Andie is my perfectionist.  She always wants to get it just right.  I tried to teach her swim lessons myself but we were just too much alike.  So we started enrolling her in swimming and she just took off.  She listens to the teacher, she is quiet, she does exactly what the teacher asks of her and then practices at the pool on her own time.  She is my mini-me.


I like to think of Isaac as my warrior.  He is all-out all of the time.  He looks so quiet sitting by the side of the pool but don't let that fool you.....I think he may be secretly plotting how to get past the teachers.  When we go to the pool he rarely looks before he leaps and almost NEVER tells me when he is going to jump....into water over his head.....without mom near.  While Andie barely says a word to the teacher, just nods or shakes her head, Isaac spent the better part of 5 minutes telling his swim lesson teacher about a roly poly he picked up on the way into the pool. 

There is something wonderful about becoming a parent and sharing something that you love with your children.  I don't know if we will be spending our Saturdays at swim meets in the future but I LOVE the fact that my children enjoy swimming and it is an activity that the entire Sanderson Crew loves doing together. 

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